Homes can be designed for optimum living. We can enhance our health through our indoor environments. Learn how the materials and fabrics you use in your home contribute to your overall well-being, health, and carbon footprint.

A Guide for Homeowners to Decrease Energy Use and Optimize Home LivingGet our E-book to help you on your green journey. Learn to create wellness by detoxifying your home. whilst implementing changes that enable energy-saving opportunities.

Design Considerations for Wellness

It is creating a home or a space with not only attention to the ambiance, influenced by colors and shapes, but also the materials, fabrics, and even chemicals brought into the home. It considers the impact of home design on individual health and well-being. Aspects like choosing scented candles instead of beeswax could influence higher concentrations of formaldehyde, a carcinogenic, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has warned. Expectant mothers and parents with young children will be invested in creating healthy home environments.

Low Indoor Pollution

Choose minimalist cleaning products and low-emitting furniture.

Reduce Unnecessary Plastic

Use multifunctional and reusable materials and products to maximize efficiency and reduce reliance on plastics. For example, metal straws.

An open window removes indoor air pollution, particularly in a garden surrounded by lots of trees and vegetation.

Improve Ventilation in the Home

Liven up the indoor space with fresh outdoor air; using either windows or mechanical ventilation.

Some Considerations for Expectant Moms

Creating the perfect home for the arrival of your little one can be all-consuming: what colors to buy, the most efficient crib, or how to create the optimum temperature for the baby. But as you know, everything you consume and breathe, the baby does also. The chemicals you are exposed to from fabrics can impact your baby. Even aspects like not getting your air conditioning system serviced and cleaned could propagate harmful particles in your family home.

Indoor Air Quality

If your children suffer from asthma or lung problems, you’ll want to ensure your household air quality is low-risk. Consider reducing mold, mildew, traditional household cleaners, and even certain paints.

Indoor Air Quality

Indoor plants help to purify the air by increasing oxygen in the air and absorbing contaminants. They also lessen dust levels and balance humidity levels..

Pet Waste

Pregnant moms, in particular, should avoid it as there is a risk of contracting toxoplasmosis with exposure to feline waste, with a risk of transmission to an unborn child. It can cause eye and liver impediments in the developing fertile.


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