What is Rainwater Harvesting?

Rainwater harvesting aims to collect run-off water from buildings for use within the building. It is a great way to conserve water. Rainwater can also be harvested for use as greywater, which is water used for washing machines, dishwashers, irrigation, and toilets.

Why Should I Consider Investing in Rainwater Harvesting Equipment?

It reduces water hardness in your appliances since rainwater doesn't produce limescale.
Reduced water bill for those with a metered water supply.
It is excellent for guarding landscaping.

The easiest and cheapest ways to collect rainwater are:

A water butt is a large capacity storage tank attached to the guttering downpipes on the outside of your home; the rainwater filters down and is deposited into the tank. They have a spout or tap attached at the front, which allows it to be drained into a bowl or hose. They cost around £38-71 for basic ones holding 210-230lt of water.

Direct-pumped (Submersible) involves installing a tank underground in a shallow trench around 200-750mm deep. It delivers water directly to appliances at a normal pressure of 3.5 bar caused by an automatic pressurisation system. They are typically connected to mains water to ensure the supply never runs out. They are also fitted with filters.

Suction Direct Pumped System: The pump in the tank turns on when there is a water demand. An external pump is connected inside the house via a lifting chain for easy maintenance. This system works by sucking water from the tank.

There are some really great innovative ways to conserve water for general use around the house.

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